Sunday, February 28, 2010

Democratic Republic of Congo-2008 Lake Kivu earthquake

2008 LAKE KIVU EARTHQUAKE - Reported by Kelly Yiew

EARTHQUAKE is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of the earth's rocky outer shell. The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. It is powerful and its results can be terrifying.

On 3rd February 2008 at 07:34:12 (UTC), an earthquake occurred in the Western Rift of the East African rift system. It is an active continental rift zone, where a continental plate is attempting to split into two plates which are moving away from one another. The epicentre was 20 kilometers north of Bukavu at Lake Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The magnitude of the earthquake is 5.9. and it lasted about 15 seconds.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo they had confirmed at least 5 dead and 149 seriously injured. Besides death and injuries, the Lake Kivu earthquake brought down houses, buildings and causing electricity cut. In addition, it also shook several other countries in Africa's Great Lakes region like Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo and Kenyu.

In response to the event, the Government took action to rebuild destroyed houses, damaged infrastructure and helping the victims. As there is a dangerous level of carbon dioxide and methane gas in Lake Kivu, Government is finding ways to circulate lake water to prevent gas build up.

I personally feel that there is a need for earthquake notification services that sends automatic email to everyone when an earthquake is detected.

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